November 12-14, 2024
Huntington Beach, California
Mega Energy and Water Event of the Year

A look back at the

WE3 Submit


  • 2023

    Continuing to expand the global collaboration through strategic initiatives to engage and empower billions of people.

  • 2022

    A pledge to take collective action on world’s climate crisis, and to work together to build a safe and healthy planet for future generations.

  • 2021

    Amdist COVID-19 pandemic, the WE3 Global Summit adapts to virtual platforms, organizing webinars, and virtual conferences to continue innovating digital ideas promoting sustainability.

  • 2020

    Strengthened partnerships with utility providers, government bodies, and other key stakeholders to drive sustainable policies and practices on a global scale. Expanded the scope of the WE3 Movement to include emerging areas such as circular economy, grid transformation, and sustainable mobility. Hosted the third WE3 Summit, featuring cutting-edge innovations and breakthrough solutions for a sustainable future.

  • 2019

    Continued growth and impact of the WE3 Movement, with increased participation from global communities and stakeholders. Organized the second in-person WE3 Summit, featuring groundbreaking discussions on climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable development. Launched initiatives to promote ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices among businesses and organizations.

  • 2018

    Expansion of the WE3 summit’s reach, engaging a broader audience and introducing innovative programs and campaigns to empower individuals and organizations to adopt sustainable practices.

  • 2017

    A journey of transformation commences with a vision to bring together industry experts and thought leaders to discuss actionable solutions and build a community dedicated to serving energy and water industry

Witnessed by


The Clean Tech Innovation Series

WE3 Award, Celebration and Recognition
A Moment of Gratitude
Utility Changemakers You’ve Inspired Us So Much

Fun and Education with Nothing
But Net Zero VR Challenge

Don't Miss Out On

WE3 Summit